Welcome home
Our vision is to be a church that make a visible, clear and lasting impact in the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
About us
OKS is a church for all kind of people, and especially for you who do not usually attend church.
The mood and atmosphere might be different from what you are accustomed to from other churches. The music might be a little louder, what you see on stage more modern, and the musical style could be unfamiliar. But the center of it all is based on the teachings and words of Jesus Christ – He is the Son of God, and through Him everybody can experience Gods mercy and love in our lives.
We believe that the love of God is meant to be shared between humans – nobody was lonely in the company of Jesus, and our dream, goal and mission is that nobody shall be lonely in our company either – or anywhere else, for that matter. We exist to fight loneliness, and believe Jesus showed us the way: Invite, include and involve!
A part of something greater
OKS was established on Grorud in 1985, but consists today of six different communities in Norway, the «mother church» located at Kjeller on Romerike (OKS Romerikskirken). Even though OKS is an independent church in Norway, we are closely related to most of the Norwegian Christian community.
OKS is a member of Norges Kristne Råd (the Norwegian Christian Counsil) along with Den Norske Kirke (The Church of Norway) and Pinsebevegelsen (Pentecostal movement) among others.
Among all of this, OKS has also defined an own vision, a cultural goal and a set of values we want to define us and our «personality» as a church. At the same time we consider ourselves a small part of a huge landscape, and we often collaborate across the different denominations.
Among our members you will find people without any particular Christian background or upbringing, and people who do not yet quite know what they believe in is very welcome to us.
Life groups
Life groups are an important part of our everyday life, and in the life groups we meet at home with each other, to build friendship and strengthen our relationship with God.
You get an opportunity to learn from others’ thoughts about both everyday relevant and spiritual issues. We believe that it is important to get to know each other in ways other than on Sundays, where we gather for our regular church service to celebrate God and life.
When we open our homes we share our lives with each other, but also open up our hearts to others. We meet in a very informal setting and recognize each other as human beings, and not only that «church-goers» on Sundays.
A Life group has between 8 and 10 members, that way it is easier to build close and personal relationships.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the Saviour of the world that through His life and resurrection made contact between God and humans possible. He is the remover of the distance between us and God, and wishes most of all to guide you to a living relationship with Him.
Jesus is the way home to God!
Humans have through all ages, everywhere and in all religious believes tried to show themselves worthy of God.
Jesus changed everything.
During our struggle to reach up to God, Jesus reaches down from God to us. And at His arrival He became a man, so that He could represent us in front of God. By living a life totally free of sin and sacrifice on the cross, He paid for all of our mistakes and that way established peace between God and us. God accepted this payment, and did it by resurrecting Jesus from death. Because of this, God is no longer carrying a receipt saying how much we owe Him, He is carrying a receipt saying how much He has paid for us. There is no mistake you can do that is able to scare God away from you, and no good deed you can do that will make God come down to you. You can come as you are, and receive what He has laid ready for you.
Based on this anyone, anytime and anywhere can come home to God, exactly as they are, and experience the richness and joy a life with God will bring. God is already your friend. Nothing is stopping you from becoming His.
Contact information
Address: Trondheimsveien 50, 2007 Kjeller
Phone: +47 64 84 64 00 (Monday to Wednesday between 10am – 2pm)
Email: post@oks.no
Bank account: 9049.11.98213
Direct phone numbers:
Bible School: +47 64 84 64 30
Elementary School (Grunnskolen OKS): +47 64 84 64 60
OKS Romerike
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